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ERA-EDTA lanceert speciale website met informatie over renale aspecten van COVID-19 infecties
ERA-EDTA lanceert speciale website met informatie over renale aspecten van COVID-19 infecties
the ERA-EDTA Council has created a special webpage on the ERA-EDTA website with up-to-date information and resources regarding renal aspects of COVID-19 infections.
Click here to view it!
The purpose of this webpage is to provide the renal community with general information on COVID-19 disease, measures relevant for patients with kidney disease as well as relevant weblinks and references to scientific articles.
The webpage will be updated regularly by a dedicated editorial team of nephrologists led by Ron Gansevoort (University Medical Center Groningen, The Netherlands) and Maria Jose Soler (Hospital Universitari Vall d’Hebron, Barcelona, Spain), with help of Coretta van Leer (virologist, UMC Groningen, The Netherlands) and Nuria Fernandez Hidalgo (virologist, Hospital Universitari Vall d’Hebron, Barcelona, Spain).
There is also an interactive part on this site. Please, send us YOUR contributions and questions on COVID-19 and renal disease.
Click here to send them!
The wealth of knowledge that can be gained from the experience of others should never be underestimated and we very much hope that you will support this initiative.